
Berserker - the bear dog

Amphicyonidae is the "Bear Dog". Bred form the smaller members up to the largest relatives to produce a hybrid which I call the Berserker - the bear dog.  Build-A-Bear / Three Almost Bears and the Three Bears. 1- Berserker / 2- Beowulf / 3- Mucker / 4- Titan / 5- Bruin / 6- Jotunn. List of some bear dogs under the Amphicyonidae: 1- Adilophontes (Daphoeninae) 2- Afrocyon (Amphicyoninae) 3- Agnotherium (Amphicyoninae) 4- Amphicyanis (Amphicyoninae) 5- Amphicyon (Amphicyoninae) 6- Arctamphicyon (Amphicyoninae) 7- Brachycyon (Amphicyoninae) 8- Cynelos (Amphicyoninae) 9- Cynodictis (Amphicyoninae) 10- Daphoenictis (Daphoeninae) 11- Daphoenodon (Daphoeninae) 12- Daphoenus (Daphoeninae) 13- Drassonax (Amphicyoninae) 14- Euroamphicyon (Amphicyoninae) 15- Goupilictis (Amphicyoninae) 16- Guangxicyon (Amphicyoninae) 17- Haplocyon (Amphicyoninae) 18- Haplocyonoides (Amphicyoninae) 19- Haplocyonopsis (Amphicyoninae) 20- Harpagophagus (Amphicyoninae) 21- Ictiocyon (Amphicyoninae) 22- ...

Beowulf - the dog bear

Hemicyonidae is the "Dog Bear". Bred from smaller member to Largest member to produce a hybrid I call the Beowulf - "Bee Hunter" an old terminology for bear.  Much like dogs and bears of today, bear dogs had a range of sizes. They could weigh just few pounds or grow to over 1,000 lbs. (450 kilograms). It is thought that the early evolutions of the bear dog were very small, around Chihuahua size. As they continued to evolve, they seemed to have become progressively larger, according to  The Field Museum .  1-  Dinocyon  thenardi  2-  Hemicyon  barbouri 3-  Hemicyon  californicus 4-  Hemicyon  cf. stehlini 5-  Hemicyon  gargan 6-  Hemicyon  goeriachensis 7-  Hemicyon  hareni 8-  Hemicyon  sansaniensis 9-  Hemicyon  mayorali  10-  Hemicyon  stehlini 11-  Hemicyon  teilhardi 12-  Hemicyon  ursinus  13-  Hemicyon  young...

Sea Bears

The Jotunn - Ursus arctos maritimus - secondary name, polar bear. Remains unchanged.   The Mucker -  Kolponomos - secondary name, otter bear.  1-  Kolponomos clallamensis 2-  Kolponomos newportensis  The Jotunn lives and rules his kingdom at the top of the world of the planet, Darwin. The high arctic is call Jotunheimr. He is the polar bear - unchanged.  The Mucker lives along the East coast of the continent called Mammothia on the planet Darwin. With an average weight of 200 pounds, this sea bear feeds on shellfish such as oysters and clams. his home is on the beaches, lagoons, marshes, and coastal swamps. 

The Titan

This topic is pure fantasy from the eerie mind of Toby Norman. I am breeding the ultimate short-faced bear species, beginning with the smaller bears and breeding up to the largest. The final result is a bear I call the Titan - Arctodus agriotherium tremarctos - Secondary name short-faced bear.   1-  Parictis primaevus   2-  Parictis personi  3-  Parictis dakotensis  4-  Parictis gilpini  5-  Parictis major 6-  Parictis montanus   7-  Parictis parvus 8- Ursavus brevirhinus 9- Ursavus primaevus  10- Ursavus intermedius  11- Ursavus pawniensis 12- Ursavus ehrenbergi  13- Ursavus sylvestris  14- Ursavus isorei  15- Ursavus tedfordi  16-  Ursavus elmensis 17-  Plionarctos  edensis 18- Plionarctos  harroldorum 19- Ailurarctos 20- Ailuropoda baconi 21- Ailuropoda fovealis 22- Ailuropoda microta 23- Ailuropoda wulingshanensis 24- Kretzoiarctos be...


This topic is pure fantasy from the eerie mind of Toby Norman. I am breeding the perfect bear species, beginning with the smaller bears and breeding up to the largest. Ursus, the real bears only. Final Result: a hybrid Ursus bear I call the BRUIN. - secondary name REAL BEAR. - Ursus arctos spelaeus. 1- Auvergne bear -  Ursus minimus.  2-  Sumatran sun bear - Helarctos malayanus malayanus. 3- Bornean sun bear - Helarctos malayanus euryspilus.  4- Sugar bear -  Protarctos abstrusus.  5-  Sri Lankan sloth bear - Melursus ursinus inornatus.  6-  Common sloth bear - Melursus ursinus ursinus.  7- Pleistocene sloth bear -  Melursus theobaldi. 8-  Formosan black bear - Ursus thibetanus formosanus.  9-  Baluchistan bear - Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus.  10-  Japanese black bear - Ursus thibetanus japonicus.  11-  Inchochinese black bear - Ursus thibetanus mupinensis.  12-  Tibetan b...

Dinosaurs and Kids

Many long years ago ( roughly 1960 ) a friend and I were in elementary school looking at a dinosaur book. I was telling him of something I had noticed at home in my back yard. We were North Carolina country boys. I was watching the chickens when I began to pay particular attention to their feet. I knew right then that I was looking at dinosaur feet. So I told my pal Rick about it. The books called them "Theropods" meaning "beast foot" but they were more like bird feet. Then Rick began to show me something that he had noticed. We were looking at pictures of dinosaur footprints in what was mud millions of years ago and now stone. There were no tail-marks as would be left by a big lizard or an alligator. Back during the 1950's and 1960's, dinosaurs were thought to be giant cold-blooded reptiles like lizards which moved about slowly and drug their tails in the swamp mud. When we told our school teacher about our discoveries, she just laughed at us. She assured...

Basic Cat Behavior vs Basic Bear Behavior

Cats and Bears are two very different animals. Both are of the order Carnivora, but cats are from the  Suborder Feliformia while bears are from the  Suborder Caniformia.  All cats are ambush predators. They have been for roughly 10-million years. Everything about the cat mentally and physically is aimed at his ambush predator lifestyle. No cat likes a frontal confrontation. This is why a man can wear a face-mask on the back of his head and be safe from a tiger attack.  A bear is an omnivore and an opportunist. A grizzly feeds on vegetation from both grazing and foraging. He also eats fish, clams, social insects, honey, and meat. If a grizzly's nose ( perhaps the keenest of any animal's ) catches the scent of a fresh carcass, he is going to investigate. Most bear species are kleptoparasites. This means that he will not only eat another predator's leftovers, but if the predator is still there, the bear will chase it away and take its kill; by force if necessary. This...