Dinosaurs and Kids

Many long years ago ( roughly 1960 ) a friend and I were in elementary school looking at a dinosaur book. I was telling him of something I had noticed at home in my back yard. We were North Carolina country boys. I was watching the chickens when I began to pay particular attention to their feet. I knew right then that I was looking at dinosaur feet.
So I told my pal Rick about it. The books called them "Theropods" meaning "beast foot" but they were more like bird feet. Then Rick began to show me something that he had noticed. We were looking at pictures of dinosaur footprints in what was mud millions of years ago and now stone. There were no tail-marks as would be left by a big lizard or an alligator.
Back during the 1950's and 1960's, dinosaurs were thought to be giant cold-blooded reptiles like lizards which moved about slowly and drug their tails in the swamp mud. When we told our school teacher about our discoveries, she just laughed at us. She assured us that professional Paleontologists know much more about such things than two little school boys.
About a decade later, Paleontologists caught-up with Rick and myself and figured these things out. Ever since then, I have learned to think for myself. Thus my theories concerning basic cat behavior in connection with the tiger/bear relationships in Asia. Also a more logical approach to a lion or tiger face-off against a grizzly ( rather than pound-for-pound ).



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